About Us

About Us
We are a software company with a mission to mitigate the effects of global warming by financially incentivizing recycling activity. If a user can prove recycling activity they are rewarded with Recyclecoin.
We intend to build a global community of like minded recyclers all generating Recyclecoin just by doing what they do already. The only difference is in the way this is reported. For this we use ROMS, our proprietary ERP which is free to use for any Recyclecoin participant. ROMS will support any recycling process at any complexity at any scale. ROMS is also multi-lingual so whatever your preferred language is, ROMS will display in that language.
For those larger users we do offer training and support

What is Recyclecoin
Founded by an industry veteran with over two decades of experience in software development and electronics recycling, Recyclesoft LLC emerged from the need for advanced technology in the recycling sector. Our journey began with the development of the Recycling Operations Management System (ROMS), now the most advanced software in the industry.
ROMS tracks everything. From here it was a natural step to blockchain verify every transaction. So now we have recycling activity with a blockchain verified audit trail. Everything recycled almost always has a lower carbon footprint than producing an identical commodity from raw materials whether they be mined, chopped down, drilled or manufactured. It is also possible to calculate this carbon saving.